PTL Fabricators - Custom Fabricators – Clarksville, Tennessee

931 • 647 • 0675

Can Aluminum be fabricated?

Yes! Fabricated aluminum has an amazing amount of versatile uses.

Aluminum is a vital metal with all sorts of applications. It is strong enough to replace steel and can be light enough to use as cooking foil. Aluminum can be used in a variety of different ways because it’s lightweight and resistant to corrosion. However, it can be a fairly brittle metal so care must be taken when force is applied in certain ways. Despite its downfalls, aluminum can be cut and shaped fairly easily, making it a versatile material for construction purposes.

Aluminum is often used for:

  • Window frames
  • Building materials
  • Automobile components
  • Bicycle components
  • And much more!

Fabrication techniques like CNC machining, CNC lathe, stamping, and cutting are used to create anything from computer parts, packaging and home appliances to locomotive and nautical components.

The process of aluminum fabrication can be a little different than metals like iron and steel. Aluminum is often extruded during fabrication. Extrusion is a process that involves drawing or pushing an aluminum blank through a die to create a specific shape. Extrusion can be done as a hot process (the metal is heated), or a cold process (done at room temperature).

To learn more about the different types of metal fabrication offered at PTL, contact us at 931-647-0675 or visit our website. We are also available for a wide array of other needs such as facilities maintenance, millwright, and more! At PTL we utilize more than 30 years of industrial experience to tackle our industry’s toughest challenges with innovative solutions.

Wise Geek

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